Type – Magical Girl, Shojo
This week on Wednesday Anime Wonders!, we have one of my new favorites Shugo Chara! The story of Shugo Chara revolves around a elementary school student named Amu Hinamori and her class mates The Guardians, which is a club or a student council of sorts. Their task is to protect, assist, and watch over their fellow schoolmates. In the Guardians, there are 5 chairs, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Joker. The star of the show, Amu, is given the Joker's chair when she recently becomes noticed by the King's chair, held by Tadase Hotori, who has quite the Guardian Character, or Shugo Chara. Tadase's chara is a tiny little 'Prince' who is bent on taking over the world. But don't let Tadase's ears hear you saying the word 'Prince' because the chara takes over and Tadase becomes this hyperactive person who has fire in his eyes for triumph!
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Weekly Round up! - May 9-15 2010
This past week on Gamer Rants from Hell! - IronMan2, Distant Worlds II reviews. Along with a post from our World Of Warcraft tactician, Eroestus, concerning Ice Crown Citadel, Anime-ChaosHead review by Mizu. AMD's new sixcore processor, Friday Fantasy Alpha 14 reports, and rounded with a brand new free MMO by Sqeenix Fantasy Earth Zero!
Next time at GRfH, Nightmare on Elm Street Review, Mc Chris-Why we should all know who and what he is, More FFXIV, a full review on Fantasy Earth Zero, and much much more!
- FreqTurboL2L3HTMultiVoltTDPSocketRelease2.8GHZ3.3GHZ6x512KB6MB2.0GHZ14x1.125-1.400125WAM304/27/102.8GHZ3.3GHZ6x512KB6MB2.0GHZ14x1.075-1.37595WAM35.X.10
- FreqTurboL2L3HTMultiVoltTDPSocketRelease3.2GHZ3.6GHZ6x512KB6MB2.0GHZ16x1.125-1.400125WAM304/27/10
Type - Psychological, Romance, Harem, Super Natural,
When I was hunting for new and exciting anime this one sort of jumped out at me. Good looking characters and the story synopsis sounded good too. So I checked it out. Boy oh boy. It starts out from the ending, or possibly some kind of dream of a good looking girl with pink hair and a sword about to kill a guy, whose obviously the one narrating. It was a little confusing but I got my head around it. Read more »
Famitsu Exlusive with Tanaka and Komoto
Ex Underground X members have finally come back together looking to start something new. What do we do with these two newbies then? Oh yes, we take them to Helms Deep!
Team UX members Shadow and WickedAmu have returned from their hiatus looking for new team mates for Left 4 Dead 1(Random Versus matches and ladders) and Left 4 Dead 2 (Team Versus and ladders). We don't care if the games are old hat now to some people, there are still thriving communities for these two games and we'd like to continue participating.
If you would like to join, or simply just play with us. Feel free to drop me a line at wickedamu42@gmail.com.
Here are some screenies from the beginning, just to give you a sample of the amazing quality of this Mod Map brought to you by L4DMods.com
We also use the Silent Hill Mod Map and Death Abroad and soon to be using Death Abroad 2.
Helms Deep Map
Death Abroad
Silent Hill 1
Death Abroad 2
FFXIV Lounge!
Thanks to the effort of the creator of FFXIV Lounge, he has brought forth a collection of Benchmarks which are believed to be a good basis to test if your system can handle FFXIV.
Personally, I've read that as long as you can play Last Remnant you can play FFXIV very well. Two additional links provided just for a comparison basis.
Here are the links provided by Creator of FFXIV Lounge.
Last Remnant
Final Fantasy 11
Resident Evil 5
Enjoy, post your scores here or at FFXIV Lounge
Test Specs Oc'd 9800 GTX+, 3.4 Kuma Dual Core Res 1600x1200 85hz
Last Remnant Scores Average 75 Min/Max 70/119
Final Fantasy 11 Scores 7301
Resident Evil 5: Average 57 at max everything
Paradox PC & Gaming Rig X001 aka ChaosRig01
AMD Kuma 2.9 Dual Core(OC'd to 3.4GHZ) 1066mhz Bus with a CoolerMaster V8
4GB DDR3 RAM(Soon to be upgraded to 8 because I don't like being restricted)
21 inch CRT Trinitron 1600x1200 85hz Res
1TB SATA 7200(Soon to add another TB because I'm almost full @_@)
Nvidia 9800 GTX+ Superclocked OC'd 1198 VRAM Core 819(The new GTX line doesn't impress me yet as this baby can still do it all)
Windows Vista Custom(by PPG, yes I am the owner of this little company =3 )
and these are the expected requirements for 14
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo (2GHz) \ AMD Athlon X2 (2GHz)
- RAM: 1.5 GB Ram
- Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 VRAM 256 MB or equivalent
So for those who haven't had the chance to Alpha this game, I've decided to start a bit of a log of what I've noticed so far, things that caught my eye and such. Just for discussions and to add to peoples wonder.
I'll start with the beginning, okay you're an adorable little Lalafell(maybe) and you're on a boat full of other people, mostly. Yes this feels a bit like Oblivion, and God of War without the undead skeletons.
Suddenly, the cutscene ends and you are there, no you aren't being set
free into a world where you were requested, you're just a normal traveler...or so you thought!....if you didn't download their manual or anything prior, you might feel a bit lost as the only things that work by guessing is -, WASD, arrow keys, and tab. But even the tab is sketchy as it targets you first and you need to hit it twice to target something infront of you. F8 doesn't seem to work like it did in 11 either. But, this is Alpha, of course things are going to be kind of, raw still. Setting aside the controls, you have a beautiful brand spanking new straight from SE, NO WOW COPY KTHX, User interface. Complete with sleek lines and sex appeal.(http://tinyurl.com/StatsUI). All in all, it's truly refreshing and feels so great to finally touch it.
I won't spoil the points between figuring out movement, as the camera is inverted and isn't normal for most, and hitting the dock, but I will say you get to fight :) Yes!! I thought. Blizzard! Fire! Yes! (http://tinyurl.com/Fightfightfight14) More and more beautiful. Nothing will touch FFXIV's gameplay, combat mode, or anything about it for a long , long time.
The graphics? yes as you may now realize, FRAKING AMAZING, it ran beautifully with no lag at all except during the character creation process, unsure why. As far as FPS goes, it was strange my graphics card didn't strain at all and only went up maybe 5-10 degrees c. It was like I wasn't rendering anything. So I can't say more on that until I test more.
It felt like I was really playing a final fantasy and not some MMO. It felt like I was important right from the begining! The more I played, the more I fell in love, and its funny, I only got to play like 45 minutes! Once at the dock? you're lost again. UNLESS you play the game as it should be played, more importantly though check out that scenery! (http://tinyurl.com/Sceneryfourteen) TALK TO EVERYONE. Yay Classic Final fantasy npc interactions! but this time, with much more feeling and depth to them. Oh that was a fun 30 minutes. Lol. And at that point, the time expired for my region. Boo.
So, until next week, here's Wicked signing off from Eorzea!