Monday Media! - Distant Worlds II
So it's a bit late, but there's reasons for that. I kind of fell asleep really early last night without at all meaning to. 3.5 hours of sleep will do that I guess. Apologies!
Yay!!! Distant Worlds II! This new collection was so great I listened to it twice, and a third time as I type this. This particular album is performed by Arnie Roth as the Conductor, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and Elmhurst College Concert Choir. Feel free to click the link above to listen to the full album while enjoying the review.
The album starts off with a Prelude, a refreshed version of the classic Final Fantasy intro. The choir in the background really draws you in. Such an amazing flow of music, it is simply blissful to hear. -sighs happily- Right onto track two, “The Man with the Machine Gun” Excitement builds and you are thrown through a loop of drums, trumpets, and flutes which continue on through the piece holding you tight in their fist of omgness.
As usual with the Distant Worlds albums, and Nobou Uematsu the composer, you are painted a picture with the music, taken to a different world. If Heaven has background music, this is it. The third track, “Ronfaure”, those of you who played Final Fantasy 11 will know it as the BEST starting zone background music EVER. Personally, I dream off to when I was just a little taru running through the West Ronfaure zone, skipping along, killing bunnies and worms. Those were the days.
Track four features the soft clarinets and flutes of Final Fantasy IX in “A Place to Call Home – Melodies of Life”.This piece is performed by solo singer Susan Calloway, and done beautifully. Ms.Calloway really brings forth the meaning behind the lyrics with her voice.
All in all, this album is one to cherish, especially with a revamped Dancing Mad as track six. While they do offer a download version for $9.99 USD, I'd still rather have the album in the flesh, in my hand, put into a glass case cd. Mostly because if I ever lose the album I know I have a backup on my external drive. But what if my comp crashes? Or my hard drive goes poof. Then what! Then I'm at a loss of 10$ and no Distant Worlds II @_@!! The download version of the album comes in 320k mp3 format, AAC, HD 24bit/88.2k FLAC, ALAC, or any other format you desire(They claim). Also packed with 12 page PDF booklet, liner notes, session photos, lyrics and more.
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