Friday Fantasy Beta! - Logs from Eorzea Entry XII [Wicked Edition]

           Welcome back Moogle of old!, Welcome back destined adventure, and hello new tactics. Today we bring you confirmed classes, beta test [START button], Linkshell businesses starting up, NPC Retainers, whats in Beta 1 and what isn't.

           Somehow I didn't notice it but a friend of mine pointed it out to me. There is a moogle shown in the E3 trailer for FFXIV. It looks quite a lot like the moogles of FFVI. Wish I could have a small moogle army like in FFVII, but instead we get something called Retainers. Think of it as the Fellowship NPC in FFXI. You can choose the race, but they have details such as eye-patches and hats. Also, the Retainer will act as your bazaar when you're offline, so no more idling on the servers for days and days, other uses to come as they think them up. Further details of the retainers themselves though hasn't been released yet, but after today's test, I'm sure to have something...hopefully...if they even put it in the[pausepausepause] It is now after the first Beta test and WOW!. More on that next week Stuff about the Retainers, you get to choose the race, then you have a set of four to choose from. Only those four, it's not some randomly generated thing, at least not yet. 

Here's a pic of my Retainer :D

           Which brings us to the next topic, what will we get to see in Beta and what we won't. Concerning Disciples of the Hand, local Levequests will be disabled temporarily. Their reasons was something about “internal processing complications”. With that also comes a new 'Repair' system that will have armor/weapons degrade over time with use. Repairing can be done by Disciples of the Hand and their Retainers through the Bazaar itself. It's gonna be a very saught after talent. Think of it as the whole “support local shoppes” thing rather than paying that cold, soul less NPC money to repair your gear. Lol.

           The new Party Recruiting method is GENIUS!. You basically set yourself up as “Creating Party” within a level range for PR(Physical Rank) and AR(ARM Rank), plus a little message saying what you want and set it for a time that you'll be looking for and bam. Done. Also, it can be done locally or server wide. It's really amazing and I absolutely love it. Pics on this next friday, promise.

           Delayed features include the Macro system, which they say is required to “fully realize “ the Armoury System. Also the Auto-translate/Auto-complete features are being completed but still not ready to be implimented into the game. They are hoping for both of these features to be in the next phase.

           New Craft classes reported by Famitsu in a translation; GoldSmith, Woodworker, Armourer, Fisherman, Harvester. I'll just straight copy/paste from FFXICore(Great site).

           Goldsmith - A Crafter that uses gold and other precious metals and gems to create jewelry. Their primary tool is a Chasing Hammer. They also have the ability to modify and strengthen weapons, armor, and other equipment with decorations. Most of the materials involved are pricy, and the trade is often high risk, high return. A keen eye for market trends is a must have. 
           Woodworker - Crafters who use their Hand Saws to manipulate wood. They have intimate knowledge of the rigidity, sturdiness, weight and value of various kinds of wood. Their craft is used in making furniture and other handy items. Woodworking developed in Limsa Lominsa’s shipyards and in constructing the high-rises of Ishgard. From the creation of gigantic buildings down to small ritual masks, Gridania, in particular, makes good use of its wealth of fine woods.
           Armourer - Armourers work wonders when their raising hammers hit sheet metal. From a simple plate of metal, they can bring forth plate mail, a chain cap, or many other kinds of armors. Blacksmiths used to handle armor crafting, but as sheet-metal-handling techniques improved, masters of this craft began to emerge. It is now recognized world-wide as its own craft. 

            Fisherman - These netpullers put their all into everything having to do with fishing. With their fishing rods, they are masters of surf-, river- and boat-fishing, taking into account the season, time, and weather when choosing their tools, fishing points and bait. Since their occupation takes them to many interesting but dangerous places, it is not out of the ordinary to hire a discipline of war as an escort. 
           Harvester - This discipline of land has quite the green thumb, dealing in the cultivation or vegetables, grains, and weaving materials, tending to fruit trees, and collecting herbs and even lumber with the help of their trusty hatchet. They have excellent trade relations with many crafters, such as woodworkers, weavers, alchemists, and even culinarians. They do much of their work in Gridania, with its excellent irrigation system. The harvester holds communication with plants in the utmost importance.

There is also a JeuxOnline meeting with Tanaka I'll direct quote. LinkyforFullInterview
Even though there really wasn't anything that wasn't already said.
JeuxOnLine: Can you tell us more about "Linkshells? Do you plan something new compared to those of Final Fantasy XI ? Maybe something as distinctive tabards or emblems?
Tanaka: As Linkshells, you will have the opportunity to play for "Company," which lets you communicate more easily. You'll have more details about "companies" very soon.

           I personally like the idea of calling them Companies, as long as they have a reason to do so. Like a backstory into the world itself. In XI they used Linkshells because that was the old way, I don't quite remember the story/reason of it, but it was a good one!. Regardless, in the Beta thus far they've been using Linkpearls as sort of “IM” devices or “Cellphones”. I was given one today and told “give me a call sometime” lol.

           Today we started the first phase of Beta. I am calling it Beta 1 as they have no said different. Following this post, there will be 2 more strictly updating what you want to know about the Beta, Entry 13 and 14. We've received very little if any feedback concerning our efforts, so instead of continuing on with that we are going to smash the final nail in the coffin with the 14th post. After that it will be strictly adventure based. Our Journal persay of our adventures in FFXIV, as they cross into Retail as well. We will still post links for public news, but, other than that, it will just be our Journals, with in game pics of course lol. I will say I absolutely loved today's test and am already working on next friday's post as it will be a BIG ONE. I have over 200 screenshots to go through, and I'd like to put out at least ONE video of adventuring. Remember, there is still Tuesday and Thursday testing. Who knows what more will come from those 2 days including today's rampage of day 1 lol.

Watch out for Entry 13 [SUGAR EDITION!] and Entry 14 [WICKED EDITION!]
Wicked signing off!

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