Tuesday Tactics! WoW - Ice Crown Citadel 25/ Arena

          This is the start to a new column based in World of Warcraft by a PvE/PvP 'lock by the name of Eroestus. I will be going through new and old raids, discussing either the keys to defeat, how to create a working pug for those of you who want to progress through content but are limited by guild standards, or just a general discussion on the raid itself.

          Alright so even as it is a bit late for us to be posting on ICC it is probably the best time to go deep into the subject matter now that path 3.3 is out and we are waiting for the next raid on the horizon. Starting off we will get down into "Storming the Citadel", the first wing to the massive raid that is ICC 10/25. The trash here is simple enough and you definitely need a rogue running around disabling traps but otherwise this stuff is easy.

          Your biggest raid check will be coming right up and that will be Lord Marrowgar. He is a heavy hitter as most of you know, and can really check out how well composed you are as a group. Spikes are definitely the main priority for ranged DPS and three tanks for 25 man would be a plus. The biggest issue I have found with him truly is the fact that people haven't kept the spikes down after he casts Bone Spike Graveyard. It targets three random players and pretty much makes them immobile while also doing a massive DoT (Damage Over Time for those who are just getting into the game). Other than that, as long as tanks are doing their job keeping aggro and you are dodging his whirlwind attack Bone Storm, you will overcome the encounter and pick up your loot. Move up the stairs and prepare for your next encounter. I personally liked the actual event as well as the fact that it was relatively difficult during the first few days of the patch's release.

          Your next bouquet of roses will be Lady Deathwhisperer. Overall, she as well as the next two bosses are going to be a DPS race. She starts off with Phase 1 where she has a huge mana shield and adds sprouting up the left and right sides. She does a mind control on a random target which will enrage that said person as well so make sure they are properly CrowdControled and not killed! You will need the DPS through the entire encounter. The main part of phase one is her mana shield, you are going to have to DPS through the entire shield before you can even begin to fight her. Yes, it is like fighting her twice and it will test your casters in terms of mana-control. The adds have priority for melee DPS and casters will have to focus on them as well depending on the raid, but make sure to not lose sight of the main target. Once you hit second phase, just DPS down and make sure to handle those she controls and you will be fine. In a nut shell, I did like the design choice. I enjoy having a female K'T around, I just didn't enjoy the encounter itself. Sounding overly complicated but in essence the second easiest fight during the first wing. Once you finish the encounter, teleport up and clear the trash until you get to the Gunship. The gunship battle is relatively easy and does not require much more than an understanding it is free loot. Make sure you get your rocket shirts, jump when they get a mage on deck, and you are good to go. Overall it is a fun encounter, just far to easy. When you are done, your next task will be far more difficult.

          Deathbringer Saurfang is next, and for those who haven't experienced him he will be tough. The biggest thing here is Mark of the Fallen Champion and his blood beasts. 
In 25 man, he will summon five blood beasts which need to be kited by either an off tank or hunters. These are a main priority as they can severely cripple the raid as well as increase his blood power. What is blood power you ask? With each bit of blood power, Saurfang hits 1% harder and it will reach 100% if you do not settle it quick enough. 
          Now on to Mark of the Fallen Champion, this will damage the afflicted raid member with Saurfang's melee damage as well as the tank while also causing it to heal Saurfang.
This will happen every time his blood power reaches 100% so get ready for it, healers will need to heal the afflicted just as if they were a tank because if that same player dies? Saurfang will heal himself 5% which is a 5% you don't want to lose. Rune of blood will occur every now and then, slightly healing Saurfang but if you keep your DPS high enough and handle the encounter properly, you will succeed. This is a huge raid test, if you fail here you definitely aren't ready for what is ahead.

          In regards to Arena, I am starting a new team on the Exodar server. Place comments down or just whisper me in game for an invite if you want in. 3v3, 5v5 is still open!

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