W.T.F. Gēmā Repōto

          So, next week, we are starting something a bit different here at Gamer Rants from Hell. We've collected data concerning what you all actually wanna see here. So from now on, we will be reformatting a bit, Wednesday Anime Wonders, Thursday Tactics, and Friday Fantasy will be the focal point. Along with that, we will still have a delinquent version of Caturday Games and Monday Media meshed together. Haven't found a place for it yet, most likely there will not be, just leave it as a random entry throughout the week that will be based around the games I personally play and am enjoying.

Wednesday Anime Wonders – All Anime, Manga, Otakuness, all the time, not just reviews anymore, but must have merchandise finds, AMV's everything to fill you our little Japanophile hearts.

Thursday Tactics – World of Warcraft Strategies by Ero, Pokemon SoulSilver posts, and possibly the new Black&White series of Pokemon. I would like to do some challenges I've seen for FF7 and FF9, but unfortunately I cannot commit the time to do them, so they will be sporadic at best.

Friday Fantasy – Final Fantasy Alpha 14 Alpha/Beta logs, along with random logs concerning The Last Remnant, and FF9. Any news concerning the Final fantasy/Square Enix verse.

Yokoku dekinai(Unpredictable) – Random videos, Japan/Otaku related news, Gamer news.

          In the end I hope to make it much more enjoyable for my followers, as well as for myself. I'd like to keep this going, but I can't do it without all of you, and the people you suggest this blog to.

Also if you have FB and are an Otaku, join me on my fan page http://www.facebook.com/pages/You-might-be-an-Otaku-if/127571960602952

One last thing, we may be moving to Wordpress.com, not a big change, but it seems to be greener on the other side, so we will investigate before we do anything silly lol.

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